Dragon’s Reign Game Session

Day 2 –

We headed out of Drellin’s Ferry west along the Dawn Way. The road bent north through the Witchwood forest. We discovered the Witch Trail heading east, where Norro told us we would find Jorr. Indeed, it wasn’t long before we stumbled upon Jorr’s cabin, hidden deep in a forest glade. We were immediately beset by Jorr’s hunting dogs, and we were careful to not provoke them. We called for Jorr and he greeted us, calling off his dogs. After discussing our agenda, Jorr agreed to guide us through the Witchwood, hopefully to the hobgoblins hideout.

Along the way, we were attacked by a six-headed hydra as we attempted to cross a wooden causeway built over a less traversable area of the Blackwater. A great battle ensued in which we prevailed. We set about searching an overturned wagon we found half-submerged in the swamp.

Day 1 –

On the Dawn Way, headed toward Drellin’s Ferry in the Elsir Vale. Ambushed by 12 Hobgoblins and their Tiamat cleric leader.

Arrived at Drellin’s Ferry. Instructed by town guards to speak with Norro Wiston, the Town Speaker, to learn more of recent happenings. The entrance to the town consists of an old bridge that has long since collapsed. In it’s place are a pair of ropes used to guide ferries across a slow-moving river, hence the town’s namesake.

We arrived at the town’s grand inn, The Old Bridge, and awaited Norro Wiston’s arrival. He arrived with his captain Soranna, a mildly attractive human woman. He pleaded with us to help protect Drellin’s Ferry from a growing force of hobgoblins.

We agreed. Norro instructed us to seek out Jorr Natherson on the Blackwater, a large swath of drowned forest and swampland in the Witchwood Forest. Jorr is apparently very knowledgeable about the surrounding area. We sought him out the following morning.

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