Iron Fist Game Session

(8) Goodmonth 13, 582

  • The afternoon before the Champions’ Games’ big reception dinner was to take place, we met with Ekaym to go over the battle rules, and to see if there were any other last-minute preparations that needed to take place. We sent Ekaym to pick up a few potions for us.
  • That night, we attended the festivities that took place the evening before the commencement of the games. All of the other gladiators were in attendance, including the sitting champions, Auric’s Warband. Tirra was there and she said that she didn’t take part in the games. But she did help us out with a couple tips if we go up against the warband, and she also said that the Thieves’ Guild here in Greyhawk was very interested in seeing us win the tourney.
  • There was much fanfare the rest of the evening, and many people stopped to talk to us, trying to get some insight from our group to see if we were worthy of a wager on the opening day of the tourney.
  • As a group, we were cordial enough, but for the most part we kept to ourselves. We really didn’t want to get Loris’s attention off the party and on us too quickly.

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