After the battle, Ekaym visited the party to congratulate them on their decisive victory. He also decided to share with them the real reason for sponsoring them in the Champions’ Games. As it turns out, Ekaym has a sister, Lahaka, who came to Greyhawk to pursue a performing career. She met Loris Raknian. The two hit it off very well, at least according to Lahaka’s letters. She was smitten by the wealthy and influential manager of the Free City Arena. Then she went missing. Her letters stopped abruptly about one year ago. Naturally, Ekaym became worried. So he recruited the party to investigate the whereabouts of his sister by choosing to sponsor them in the Champions’ Games. As a reward for anything that they may find regarding his sister, Ekaym has offered to pay his entire share of the winnings to the party.
So that very evening, the party agreed to explore the Arena Understructure. They discovered an old abandoned area of The Coenoby called The Titan’s House. It is rumored that The Titan’s House is the remains of an old demon-worshiping cult that predates the Free City itself. There is no evidence to substantiate this claim, however. Also, at least according to the gladiator gossip, there is a submerged tunnel that leads from The Titan’s House to an old, underground network of ghoul warrens. There might be some truth to this claim, however, given that Loris Raknian had a stone plug installed to block that tunnel.
Unfortunately, a thorough exploration of The Titan’s House yielded no clues about Lahaka. So the group explored the rest of the Arena Understructure. This also proved fruitless, despite becoming familiar with all of the areas down there. Two interesting points of note, however, are the underground entrance to Raknian’s palace (which was guarded), and the Understructure prison (which, curiously, was not). The prison held one captive, probably scheduled for execution. The party retired for the evening with nothing to report back to Ekaym.