Iron Fist Game Session

(8) Goodmonth 17, 582

  • The group was to face the beast before the other gladiators were to face off. So they were up early and ready to do battle after a light breakfast.
  • When the time arrived the group took the well-traveled path up the lift into the arena. Drinking their typical Bull’s Strength and Barkskin potions on the way in, Donnor also cast Resist Energy on the group, choosing cold as the energy type. The arena shook with the cheers from the roaring crowd.
  • The companions seemed to be waiting ages for the beast to arrive. In fact, they had waited so long, even the crowd started to grow impatient. Eligos and Donnor quickly surmised that Raknian was playing for time so that some of the helpful spells the group cast and the potions drank would have time to fade away before the match began, making it easier for them to be slain.
  • After what seemed like an eternity, the arena doors were drawn open and a crate nearly 20 feet tall, and just as wide and deep, was pulled into the middle of the arena. The announcer again thanked Lord Henway for supplying the beast this year, as he always had, and shared with the crowd that the beast would be on display at Lord Henway’s Menagerie in the future. The heroes took exception to that comment.
  • Once the exits were secure, guards grabbed the ends of long chains and stood ready to flee as they pulled the crate’s sides down. Unfortunately for the group, what was revealed was not a frost salamander. What was revealed would later be named a froghemoth.

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