Iron Fist Game Session

(8) Goodmonth 18, 582

  • The next morning when Ekaym arrived, Barnin relayed what happened the previous night, and begrudgingly gave him the Haversack filled with everything he had found. Barnin also let him know in no uncertain terms that he was to have that bag returned to him. They also gave him a list of items the group would need for that afternoon’s match against Auric’s Warband.
  • The rest of the morning was filled with plotting how to take down Auric’s Warband. The flesh golems, according to Eligos, would be a handful. In the end, we decided that straight-forward confrontation would be the best avenue of approach, as it had worked up to now, and if it isn’t broke, don’t fix it.
  • So the groups were escorted into the arena just shy of noon. Wishing each other luck on the trip up, each group began making its final preparations before the battle would begin. As the group entered, Barnin noticed Raknian looked very relaxed, smug even. “Not the usual reaction for someone that will soon be led to the gallows”, was Barnin’s next thought, but he figured he had better focus on the matters at hand.
  • The battle began as others had; Eligos cast Stoneskin on Barnin, knowing he would be the first to run into the fray. And each member of the team drank a potion of Bull’s Strength and Barkskin to assist them. Once the match began, Eligos cast Haste on Barnin while he sprinted forward, and Donnor brought a celestial dire lion into the arena to battle their foes.
  • Suddenly, a massive worm burst through the ground. The entire arena shook with its coming, and the cheers turned to screams as the creature had to span more than 20 feet across and stood well above the ground. Studying the body of the beast, you could tell that most of the creature was still below the surface.

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