Iron Fist Game Session

(8) Goodmonth 19, 582

  • After praying to Kord, and having a quick breakfast, Barnin and Donor head to Eligos’s house. Once there they get right to business. And raise Eligos’ man servant.
  • Once the servant was awake Donnor healed him. Once Eligos made him a cup of tea, and started feeling normal again he recited what had happened. He said that several men entered the home looking for items involved in the age of worms. And then they attacked and killed him. He also relayed that there was a letter that came in the day before from Eligos’s old friend Allustan.
  • After retrieving the missive, Eligos reads the letter. Allustan is summoning us back to Diamond Lake. He said that there was a previously undiscovered passage in the Whispering Cairn.
  • So being that the group had already promised the Lord Mayor that they would deal with the Alkilith that was under the arena.
  • So the group returned to the Arena after Eligos’ affairs were in order. After a short conversation with the gaurds on duty, the group headed down into the Coenoby. Once down they used the rope to climb back down into the hidden catacombs they had found. And headed straight for the Alkilith.
  • Donnor cast Banishment when arriving in the area, and the demon was sent back to the abyss from where it came. They explored on, only to find that there wasn’t anything left to find.

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