Iron Fist Game Session

(8) Goodmonth 20, 582

  • Once Eligos and Donnor described the Abyssal Ghoul that was inside the portal, Barnin was loathe to have to return there to get out of this cairne. He pushed the creature from his mind so that the could focus at the task at hand.
  • As they entered the next room the felt a strong head wind coming from seemingly nowhere. Yet there were what appeared to be some odd puffs of smoke or vapor that hung in the air. Suddenly the vapors attacked. They were Belkers.
  • The belkers proved to be a little more than pests as the group dealt with them, and they were happy to get out of the deafening wind.
  • The next room had traps a plenty, so after discovering some of them the group thought it better to carry on, and not try to mess with too much down here.
  • Unfortunately the gems in the eyes of the statue in the next room were too much for Barnin to pass up, and as he attempted to pry them from the statue, he triggered a trap that made him feel weaker than he ever had before in his life. And after a short examination Donnor knew that he didn’t have the right spells prepared to help his friend, and let him know that this effect would have to stay with him for the rest of the day.
  • Having only been down here for a short time, as a group they decided to carry on even with Barnin in his debilitated state.

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