Iron Fist Game Session

(8) Goodmonth 21, 582

  • Once the group reached the bottom of the waterfall Donnor used one of his newer monk ability abundant step. Using that, in the blink of an eye the group was back at the top of the waterfalls. Just where they were before flying down to face the true ghoul.
  • Now being back up here they remembered that the shadow spider got them to this point, and they didn’t know how to get back. So the started down an ice covered hall. They were immediately attacked by what they thought was a statue of an air duke. Soon after the battle begain Eligos cast feeblemind and the illusion was dispelled and they saw that they were fighting an inevitable. It was still a long though battle, but it was one that they were victorious. After Donnor healed everyone they picked over what was left of the creature, and surveyed their surroundings. A little over half way down the hall they found a hole in the floor under the ice, and the end of the hall was a dead end. There was another door, but all that was contained there was a winter maelstrom instead of a floor. They assumed that was keeping the red waters of the river that flowed in through the hole in the floor frozen.
  • The group started chip away at the ice looking for a way past this hallway. After spending some time chipping at the ice they realized that this wasn’t going to end well if they continued. They didn’t know how far the would have to go through a water filled tunnel before finding the other side. and they didn’t know if the slush would start freezing around them as they were trying to make more of an advance through the tunnel. So they decided the best course of action would be to wait for the shadow spider to return looking for them. They waited for just a couple hours before the spider came asking if his foe had been taken care of.
  • After a curt conversation the spider brought us back to the room where we were originally ambushed, and brought Allistun back to us. He then demanded the disk. We tried everything we could think of to reason with the spider. But there was no reasoning with him. The spider attacked Barnin being that he was the one with the disc. Barnin was hit hard, and poisoned with toxin that paralyzed him. Allistun cast light so that there would be no shadows for the spider to flee too, and the group battle with the spider on the one plane alone. At the end of the fierce battle the group healed up, and decided to head back though the portal to the cairne to rest before continuing on down here.

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