Iron Fist Game Session

(8) Goodmonth 21, 582

  • After the huge stone doors swung open the group saw an enormous open chamber with large pylons standing in a path-like manner. As they approached the open door way they hurt and felt what seemed to be a hurricane force wind blowing in the room. Donnor had an idea to cast windwalk on Barnin and he could carry the group accross the space where there seemed to be no floor. After the spell was cast Barnin picked up Eligos to begin making his way accross the open air. A soon as he crossed the threshold he was hit head on with the forceful swirling wind. He was soon blown off course. He had to learn how to fight the winds force and continue walking. After fighting as the wind with all his strength he and Donnor saw in the same moment 2 huge wisp like shapes rushing there way.
  • The air elemental’s attack was swift, but Barnin was able to get Eligos safely back to the landing before he could be knocked from his grasp and begin falling into nothing. From there the fight ensued. Spells where cast and weapons flew until finally the group defeated the Elementals.
  • The wind died once the Elementals attacked. So the way across the room was much easier now. Well everyone except Barnin who carried the group across the room the the ledge on the other side.
  • Once safely there the began inspecting the area. They inspected for what seemed like for every, but after just a short time they realized that this wasn’t the way forward, it was just a carved replica of the previous door to throw off would be tomb raiders. So Barnin figured since he still had use of the windwalk spell he would go inspect the individual pylons. Finally getting to the tallest standing near the ceiling in the middle of the room, he found a circular disk shaped recess in the stone. It hit him that the crystal disk they had used to open the other seal would fit in the recess.

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