Iron Fist Game Session

(8) Goodmonth 22, 582

  • After the items were chosen the adventurers wasted no time in deciding to continue their journey.
  • Tenser took us to a picture on the wall that seemed extraordinarily life like. The painting looked like a very large pyramid in a jungle setting.
  • Tenser explained that the painting was a teleportation device of sorts. We could enter the painting and arrive where we wished to be at Kyuss’s old strong hold.
  • With a deep breath the intrepid adventurers stepped forward and were immediately sent to the jungle surrounding the ancient city and Ziggurat.
  • As the group approached the ruined city Kuluth-mar, suddenly the thick air waved and shimmered and changed to show the city whole again. Kyuss sat on a great green throne atop the ziggurat. There where thousands of followers chanting rhythmically, worshiping their leader.
  • Then as soon as the vision appeared, it vanished. And they were looking at a ruined city with a ziggurat at the center surrounded by a formidable wall made from obsidian.
  • Against their better judgement the group continued toward the ziggurat, hoping to once and for all end the plague of green worms that seemed to be growing into a real threat to the world.

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