Iron Fist Game Session

(8) Goodmonth 15, 582

  • Day 2 of the Champions’ Games is scheduled to be a light one. There are no battles scheduled, as it is intended for the teams to rest and recuperate. In lieu of any gladiatorial bouts, the arena above is used for games, demonstrations of magic, and non-tournament mock battles.
  • Again, Ekaym came for a visit. As expected, he was hoping for any information about his sister. As the party had nothing to share, Ekaym encouraged them to continue searching. What’s more, when Ekaym heard of the prisoner being held captive in the Arena Understructure, he pleaded that the group interrogate the prisoner for any information that he may have pertaining to his sister. The party agreed to do that very thing that evening.
  • Late in the evening, when most everybody had gone to bed, and the guard patrols were lessened, the party again explored the Understructure. The party used a cleverly placed Symbol of Sleep to get past Raknian’s guards. After picking two very difficult locks, they entered Raknian’s palace. A brief search ended with them being chased off by Raknian’s guard dogs.
  • The party then decided to speak with the prisoner. At first, the prisoner appeared dead. It wasn’t until Barnin unlocked the cell door and entered that the prisoner exhibited any signs of life. In fact, it took a gentle nudging of the prisoner before he actually sprang up and scrambled to the corner of the cell in complete terror. He had a wild-eyed look in his eyes, and it appeared that he didn’t understand anything that the party said. All he could scream was, “No worms, no worms!” Donnor cast a remove fear spell on him which worked beautifully. He calmed down and quit screaming, but he still didn’t seem to hear or understand anything. So the party surrendered in defeat, again, and headed back to their room in the Coenoby empty-handed. They decided to write a letter to the Lord Mayor explaining this rather significant revelation. The group gave the letter to Ekaym to be delivered to Sgt Priel.

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