Iron Fist Game Session

(8) Goodmonth 17, 582

  • Not letting their surprise be known, the group took action. Eligos caste Haste and Stoneskin on Barnin, who immediately ran into the fray, while Donnor summoned a celestial dire lion to battle the beast. Barnin struck true when attacking the beast, but was immediately wrapped up in one of its many tentacles. Donnor also summoned a griffon to join the battle as the lion was taking a beating. Eligos sent a fireball at the beast, only to see it was completely ineffective.
  • Barnin struggled against the beasts arm for only seconds before realizing that was a lost cause, so he focused completely on inflicting as much damage to the beast as possible with his fists, as he had learned from Donnor. As he was pounding the beast with his fists he watched it attempt to devour the lion. When the lion’s form stopped struggling, it disappeared. Eligos summoned another griffon to attack, while Donnor, watching his companion get pummeled by tentacles, figured he was in need of healing. So while beginning a prayer to Kord, Donnor ran and jumped, grabbing Barnin’s boot to heal him. Donnor was quickly shaken loose, but not until the deed was done. Sadly, that was the last he saw of Barnin, as the beast swallowed him whole.
  • Donnor began to attack the behemoth after Barnin was swallowed. Eligos was attempting many spells to get the beast on the ground. Barnin attacked the insides of the beast with enough ferocity to make a barbarian proud; he didn’t have enough room to move around and attack with his long sword while inside the creature, but he had enough room to do mighty damage with his fists. And he kept punching until he felt the beast fall with him still inside of it.
  • As soon as the beast fell, and was no longer moving, Donnor jumped into its mouth in an attempt to find and drag his friend to freedom. It took some doing as the beast weighed tons, and was now dead weight. But after about 30 seconds, Donnor managed to help Barnin find his way out of the animals insides.
  • Barnin’s first action after exiting the froghemoth’s mouth was to stare down Loris Raknian. Sadly, Raknian was nowhere to be seen, and only the announcer was left to give the victors their reward and trophy.

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