Iron Fist Game Session

(8) Goodmonth 18, 582

  • Moving on into the next room the group came upon a demon non of them had ever faced before. Eligos later figured out that the beast was an Alkilith. For lack of a better description, the creature resembles a pile of garbage. After what seemed like and eternity facing the monster the group decided that discretion would be the better part of valor.
  • When leaving the new found lair and reaching the surface the group was faced with Greyhawks militia attempting to restore order in the area. Donnor seeing that there were many wounded people in the arena took to the stands in an attempt to help as many people as he could. Mean while Barnin and Eligos talked with the Lord Mayor in an attempt to figure out what Raknian was up to.
  • They came to the conclusion that they needed to rest and regroup to face the demon. Eligos said it would be a good idea to head to his house so that they could research the demon to get any information they could on defeating it. When we arrived at Eligos’s, we find that his house has been ransacked. And his man servant has been killed.
  • So Barnin and Donnor help Eligos straighten up his house and prepare the body to be raised. They decide to meet again tomorrow morning at Eligos’s how when Donnor will raise the man servant so that they can find out what happened.

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