Iron Fist Game Session

(8) Goodmonth 21, 582

  • After a short exploration of the cave the group found their true ghoul. He was there with two spawns of Kyuss seemingly looking for something. As the group approached he turned his attention to them, and settled the skeletons as they seemed to be ready to attack. Barnin figured it best to try and find a solution with out fighting. But after a short conversation with the undead caster, Barnin learned that he was interested in bringing about the age of worms. This would remove the living from the surface world and allow his kind to claim it for their own. This really didn’t sit that well with the group, so after a short fight, the true ghoul and his minions where no more. Surprisingly, Barnin didn’t run like a girl when dealing with the spawn of Kyuss this time.
  • With the true ghoul dead they search his belongings, and body finding a crystal disc. No more had Barnin picked up the disc to inspect it when 4 djinn appeared intent on keeping the disc from those unworthy. Barnin tried to reason with the creatures, but he was finding that there wasn’t going to be much reasoning taking place down in these caverns. After a cone of cold from Eligos and a flame strike from Donnor, it only took a few swings of the sword to end the djinn. And once again the group studied the crystal disc. Moving to begin making their accent up through the caverns.

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