Iron Fist Game Session

  • We got to the cliff edge after decending. When we started down the side of the cliff, we came under heavy arrow fire. After a hurried trip down we took cover, and immediately got attacked by a pair of chokers.
  • After quickly dispatching the chokers, the adventurers healed themselves. Not coming under another immediate attack, Barnin and Donnor finally had a chance to study their surroundings. The cliff decended to this tunnel that opens about 40 feet away. On the other side lies a large pile of stone. Discerning that there was no other way to get out, they choose to climb the stone pile. Upon reaching the stone pile, they realized there is a ledge on this side too, much like the ledge that they were getting showered with arrows from on the other side.
  • No sooner than coming to that realization, they began to take arrow fire again. After trading arrows with these cave-dwellers, the heroes finally get the upper hand, ending their existance. Immediately after the bow-wielding cave-dwellers fell, a savage female cave-dweller dove from the ledge, wielding two daggers. After a hard fought battle, they bested the enraged mistress. Not completely unscathed though, Donnor had to be brought back from the brink of death with a healing potion.

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